We are still working on counter tops so it has be hard to get much done in the kitchen ( They are stating to look so good).
Did get a dehydrator full of potatoes.
Went after corn stalks for the cows, they sure have helped to stretch the hay.
Got 8 bottles of saline solution for our contacts ( The girls and I all wear contacts) for storage.
I signed up to sell Young Living essential oils I use so many oils I figured I should try to sell some to try and help pay for what I use.
A friend that works for a slaughter house brought me about 50 pounds of beef fat I got all that rendered down.
I have taken a 400 dollar cut in pay so I will be trying to find more ways to save money. One thing I am going to do is start paying more attention to my electric usage I should get the new electric bill in the next couple days and I will look at the usage and start trying to lower it. I have the water bill about as low as I can get so that is taken care of.
This next week I am going to try and work on the rest of the potatoes. I also need to get started on Joleens prom dress. Now that I have the tallow I need to get some soap made .I am thinking about making soap and selling it to help make up for the pay cut.
What were you able to get done this week?